Our Purpose

Our Oceans are in Danger

Our oceans are facing many threats and need someone like you to take a stand and help fight against:

Our Mission

At Staghorn Jewelry we have seen the threats that our oceans are under and want to do something to help protect it. We believe that everyone should to do what they can to help and that every business has a global responsibility to choose environmentally responsible products and practices that don’t harm our oceans. We understand how important our oceans are for our survival and the survival of marine animals. That’s why we are transparent in all of our practices, always choosing products that don’t have any harmful environmental impacts. To help fight fast fashion, and support the use of recycled materials, we only use recycled and post-consumer materials in our designs. 

Our jewelry is designed to showcase the natural beauty of the ocean as a reminder of why it’s worth saving. We aim to provide education on our natural world while spreading awareness on environmental issues that our oceans are facing. Because education brings understanding and understanding brings change. 

We invite everyone to join us in our efforts to help save our oceans.

10% of all profits go toward ocean conservation efforts

We care about the health of our oceans. In order to help save the reefs we need to support the people out there collecting data and making breakthroughs. That’s why we carefully select organizations to donate to that are making impacts in ocean conservation.